Residency Reflections
In the month of February I participated in the Thrive Together Network Virtual Artist Residency. I have never done a residency before (although now I really want to go away for one) and this was an accessible way to organize and plan my work for the month. Of course, what I set out to do is not what I did in the end, but I still had some realizations and breakthroughs that made it worthwhile.
Intentions: When I started writing about what I planned to do with the Residency, I thought I would be painting and meditating about my trip to India last fall. Since I have gotten back I jumped right back into work and haven’t given myself time to just live and luxuriate in the sense memories of India. Now, I think back and realize, I am doing it all the time. India was life affirming and inspiring. I don’t need to spend a month thinking about it, I can spend a few minutes smelling the cloth I brought home, drinking spiced tea, or just looking at photos. I can spend a few minutes just thinking about the way it felt to be jostled along in a tuktuk, or how the birds sounded in the morning.
Reality: When I sat down to paint “about my experience in India.” I found that I wanted to paint. Just paint. I wanted to watch the colors bleed together and bump into each other's boundaries. I wanted to quiet my mind and work. I had forgotten how lost I could be in that element. All my energy focused on the tooth of the paper and the water drying. If I was more clever, perhaps I could have made this more about travel, or India, or textiles. I liked just doing the work without the preconceived notions of making a thing, a something, a widget, a product.
Results: Giving myself a concentrated time, without expectations was valuable and affirming. Looking back at the months worth of work I feel grateful and a little proud of myself. So often I am working away in the studio, watching the clock for school pickups or doctors appointments. This month helped me make a small peace with the interruptions and to feel like I am on a right track. Where am I going? Not sure yet, but here I go!